CHEN Hang1, WANG Yue-wei2
1. School of Economics and Management, Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang 110159, China;
2. Business School of Liaoning University, Liaoning University, Shenyang 110136, China
Abstract:A destination brand can be recognized by the tourists, with the brand behind the destination itself has the personality and the destination in order to emotional level with people to communicate, the exchange of effort inseparable from the effort. Emotion is the destination brand in the feelings and emotions on the impact of tourists and touch, is the destination brand and tourists to establish intimate private dialogue effective way. In today's competitive market, tourism products and services are not enough to attract new markets, or even enough to maintain the existing market. Internet environment, the emotional impact of tourists on the destination brand is more significant. In the Internet environment, the changes of the tourists' feelings will form positive or negative impact on the destination brand. In order to construct a strong tourist destination brand, it is necessary to evaluate the destination brand based on the tourists' feelings to find out the gap of the destination brand, take corresponding measures to strengthen the positive feelings held by the target tourists, and correct the negative feelings. According to the different emotional attributes of tourists for the destination brand emotional evaluation of differences, to find the destination brand management deficiencies, help to improve the destination brand management program. This paper first constructs the analysis framework of the relationship between the destination brand and the tourists and the evaluation index system of the destination brand. Secondly, the Internet travel diary as the data source, the use of content analysis of the Dalian tourism brand for emotional evaluation.
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王龙.旅游目的地形象测量内容的研究综述[J].旅游科学,2012,26(4):65-76.[Wang Long. A summary of the research on the content of tourism destination image measurement[J]. Tourism Science, 2012,26(4):65-76.]
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李玺,叶升,王东.旅游目的地感知形象非结构化测量应用研究——以访澳商务游客形象感知特征为例[J].旅游学刊,2011,26(12):57-63.[Li Xi, Ye Sheng, Wang Dong. A study on the application of unstructured measurement of tourist destination perceived image:A case study of visiting characteristics of business visitors in Australia[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2011,26(12):57-63.]
Huang Chingyuan, Chou Chaijung, Lin Peiching. Involvement theory in constructing bloggers' intention to purchase travel products[J]. Tourism Management, 2010,31(4):513-526.
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曲颖,李天元.旅游目的地形象、定位和品牌化:概念辨析和关系阐释[J].旅游科学,2011,25(4):10-18.[Qu Ying, Li Tianyuan. Tourism destination image, orientation and branding:Conceptual analysis and relational interpretation[J]. Tourism Science, 2011,25(4):10-18.]
Pan B, Li X. The long tail of destination image and online marketing[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 2011,38(1):132-152.
Huang Chingyuan, Chou Chaijung, Lin Peiching. Involvement theory in constructing bloggers' intention to purchase travel products[J]. Tourism Management, 2010,31(4):513-526.
Huang Chingyuan, Chou Chaijung, Lin Peiching. Involvement theory in constructing bloggers' intention to purchase travel products[J]. Tourism Management, 2010,31(4):513-526.
罗盛锋,黄燕玲,程道品,等.情感因素对游客体验与满意度的影响研究——以桂林山水实景演出"印象·刘三姐"为例[J].旅游学刊, 2011,26(1):51-58.[Luo Shengfeng, Huang Yanling, Cheng Daopin, et al. A study on the influence of affective factors on tourists' experience and satisfaction:A case study of "Impression Liu Sanjie"[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2011,26(1):51-58.]
Pan B, Li X. The long tail of destination image and online marketing[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 2011,38(1):132-152.
王跃伟,陈航.基于logistic增长模型的旅游目的地品牌流行度分析[J]. 旅游学刊,2009,24(4):34-40.[Wang Yuewei, Chen Hang. Evaluation of tourism destination brand popularity based on logistic growth model[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2009,24(4):34-40.]
Pan B, Li X. The long tail of destination image and online marketing[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 2011,38(1):132-152.
郑华伟.红色旅游价值观内化的网络文本研究——兼论国民幸福感的生成机制[J].旅游学刊,2016,31(5):111-118.[Zheng Huawei. A study on the internal text of red tourism values:Also on the formation mechanism of national happiness[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2016, 31(5):111-118.]
王跃伟,陈航.基于logistic增长模型的旅游目的地品牌流行度分析[J]. 旅游学刊,2009,24(4):34-40.[Wang Yuewei, Chen Hang. Evaluation of tourism destination brand popularity based on logistic growth model[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2009,24(4):34-40.]
王龙.旅游目的地形象测量内容的研究综述[J].旅游科学,2012,26(4):65-76.[Wang Long. A summary of the research on the content of tourism destination image measurement[J]. Tourism Science, 2012,26(4):65-76.]
王跃伟,陈航.基于logistic增长模型的旅游目的地品牌流行度分析[J]. 旅游学刊,2009,24(4):34-40.[Wang Yuewei, Chen Hang. Evaluation of tourism destination brand popularity based on logistic growth model[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2009,24(4):34-40.]
王龙.旅游目的地形象测量内容的研究综述[J].旅游科学,2012,26(4):65-76.[Wang Long. A summary of the research on the content of tourism destination image measurement[J]. Tourism Science, 2012,26(4):65-76.]
李玺,叶升,王东.旅游目的地感知形象非结构化测量应用研究——以访澳商务游客形象感知特征为例[J].旅游学刊,2011,26(12):57-63.[Li Xi, Ye Sheng, Wang Dong. A study on the application of unstructured measurement of tourist destination perceived image:A case study of visiting characteristics of business visitors in Australia[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2011,26(12):57-63.]
王龙.旅游目的地形象测量内容的研究综述[J].旅游科学,2012,26(4):65-76.[Wang Long. A summary of the research on the content of tourism destination image measurement[J]. Tourism Science, 2012,26(4):65-76.]
李玺,叶升,王东.旅游目的地感知形象非结构化测量应用研究——以访澳商务游客形象感知特征为例[J].旅游学刊,2011,26(12):57-63.[Li Xi, Ye Sheng, Wang Dong. A study on the application of unstructured measurement of tourist destination perceived image:A case study of visiting characteristics of business visitors in Australia[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2011,26(12):57-63.]
曲颖,李天元.旅游目的地形象、定位和品牌化:概念辨析和关系阐释[J].旅游科学,2011,25(4):10-18.[Qu Ying, Li Tianyuan. Tourism destination image, orientation and branding:Conceptual analysis and relational interpretation[J]. Tourism Science, 2011,25(4):10-18.]
李玺,叶升,王东.旅游目的地感知形象非结构化测量应用研究——以访澳商务游客形象感知特征为例[J].旅游学刊,2011,26(12):57-63.[Li Xi, Ye Sheng, Wang Dong. A study on the application of unstructured measurement of tourist destination perceived image:A case study of visiting characteristics of business visitors in Australia[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2011,26(12):57-63.]
曲颖,李天元.旅游目的地形象、定位和品牌化:概念辨析和关系阐释[J].旅游科学,2011,25(4):10-18.[Qu Ying, Li Tianyuan. Tourism destination image, orientation and branding:Conceptual analysis and relational interpretation[J]. Tourism Science, 2011,25(4):10-18.]
罗盛锋,黄燕玲,程道品,等.情感因素对游客体验与满意度的影响研究——以桂林山水实景演出"印象·刘三姐"为例[J].旅游学刊, 2011,26(1):51-58.[Luo Shengfeng, Huang Yanling, Cheng Daopin, et al. A study on the influence of affective factors on tourists' experience and satisfaction:A case study of "Impression Liu Sanjie"[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2011,26(1):51-58.]
曲颖,李天元.旅游目的地形象、定位和品牌化:概念辨析和关系阐释[J].旅游科学,2011,25(4):10-18.[Qu Ying, Li Tianyuan. Tourism destination image, orientation and branding:Conceptual analysis and relational interpretation[J]. Tourism Science, 2011,25(4):10-18.]
罗盛锋,黄燕玲,程道品,等.情感因素对游客体验与满意度的影响研究——以桂林山水实景演出"印象·刘三姐"为例[J].旅游学刊, 2011,26(1):51-58.[Luo Shengfeng, Huang Yanling, Cheng Daopin, et al. A study on the influence of affective factors on tourists' experience and satisfaction:A case study of "Impression Liu Sanjie"[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2011,26(1):51-58.]
郑华伟.红色旅游价值观内化的网络文本研究——兼论国民幸福感的生成机制[J].旅游学刊,2016,31(5):111-118.[Zheng Huawei. A study on the internal text of red tourism values:Also on the formation mechanism of national happiness[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2016, 31(5):111-118.]
罗盛锋,黄燕玲,程道品,等.情感因素对游客体验与满意度的影响研究——以桂林山水实景演出"印象·刘三姐"为例[J].旅游学刊, 2011,26(1):51-58.[Luo Shengfeng, Huang Yanling, Cheng Daopin, et al. A study on the influence of affective factors on tourists' experience and satisfaction:A case study of "Impression Liu Sanjie"[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2011,26(1):51-58.]
郑华伟.红色旅游价值观内化的网络文本研究——兼论国民幸福感的生成机制[J].旅游学刊,2016,31(5):111-118.[Zheng Huawei. A study on the internal text of red tourism values:Also on the formation mechanism of national happiness[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2016, 31(5):111-118.]
郑华伟.红色旅游价值观内化的网络文本研究——兼论国民幸福感的生成机制[J].旅游学刊,2016,31(5):111-118.[Zheng Huawei. A study on the internal text of red tourism values:Also on the formation mechanism of national happiness[J]. Tourism Tribune, 2016, 31(5):111-118.]